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Scents in the Theater

Dear Moviegoer: If I can smell your aftershave/cologne in the theater after you’ve left, you’ve got way too much on. If you can smell it, you’ve got way too much on. Please, don’t bathe in it. Love, Me.

There are times when I’ve gone into an auditorium to clean, and I can smell many scents in there, but usually it's very faint. I can smell the outside food you brought in (because we don’t sell anything with onions on it), I can smell your perfume and cologne. I shouldn’t be smelling those things. I admit I have a very sensitive nose and can smell things most people can’t. But, if I can smell your aftershave or perfume after you’ve left, and can smell it in the hallways after youu're long gone, you’ve got too much on. If you’ve put some on earlier, and can no longer smell it, don’t put more on. The rest of us can still smell it. There is ventilation in the auditoriums, but it's not like it sucks the scents out. Those auditoriums hold scents in them for a long time. In my book, #DearMoviegoer, Tales From Behind the Velvet Curtains, you can read about one particular scent we couldn't get out for weeks (as well as many other things moviegoers do, but shouldn't).

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